The National Museum Of Science And Know-how

The National Museum Of Science And Know-how

Technology has linked its way into just about every side of human life. The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Nigeria is one of the strategic Ministries of Government saddled with the responsibility of facilitating the event and deployment of Science, Expertise and Innovation to enhance the pace of Socio-financial development of the and technology

The converse influence of expertise on science is of at the very least equal importance: (1) via offering a fertile source of novel scientific questions and thereby additionally helping to justify the allocation of sources needed to address these questions in an efficient and timely manner, extending the agenda of science; (2) as a source of otherwise unavailable instrumentation and methods wanted to address novel and more difficult scientific questions more effectively.

Civilized individuals could have an advanced expertise or they might not have it. Civilization isn’t just a matter of science and expertise or technical infrastructure, or, once more, the marvel of buildings; it additionally has to do with the moral and psychological reflexes of people as well as their level of social connectedness within their own society and beyond.

It is even protected to say that patient safety and luxury are the foremost consideration …

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